Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Boom boom pow!

Yesteday was incredible.
I couldn't believe it myself. If J had told me the rythms we were going to run at... I would have said "no way". But then again, if one works hard for something, one gets results. In running this is not always true, but if you are lucky (very very lucky) it may.

So I kicked into my running shoes and did 2 x 3000 meters (11'25'' - 11'17'').

Just one word: AMAZING!

Saturday, December 17, 2011


T, M and me.
Today I finally ran my first meet of the season. All my team buddies were there.
I really enjoyed running today, it has been a while since I'm happy with my performance on the track. No medals or trophies today, christmas goodies were given out instead.

M & I warmed up together. It is so nice to chat with such a sweet gal ;) And about the race itself? Well,I kept my strategy simple: follow the first runner and sprint at the end worked! :) I really enjoyed it.
I also did a PR (11'07''), and that's always good.

Next one comming up? The last race of the year: San Silvester.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Serious business

Monday:         Rest
Tuesday:        30' + 1500 (5'28'')-1000(3'32'')-1500(5'38'')-1000(3'35'')-1500(5'33'')// 1'30''-2' rest + 25' + abs
Wednesday:   Rest
Thursday:      10' + 20 x downhills + 30' + 300 abs+ 60 push ups
Friday:          30' + gym + 5' + abs+ stretching
Saturday:      40 + 250 abs + push ups + arm excercises
Sunday:         20' + very very hilly 2000 (8'13'') + 5' + 5 x hills + 5'

Sunday, November 20, 2011

11th Week

Monday:         Rest
Tuesday:        30' + 15 x 100m leg strengthening + 400m tempo running + 20' + abs
Wednesday:   Rest
Thursday:      15' + 9 x 300 meter hills (59''-1'02'') + 10' + 300 abs
Friday:          40' + abs+ stretching
Saturday:      45' + 250 abs + push ups
Sunday:         40' + abs + stretching

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

10th week

Monday:         Rest
Tuesday:        30' + 2000 (7'40'')-1000(3'50'')-2000(7'45'')-1000(3'50'')-1000(3'45'')// 1'30''-2' rest + 10' + abs
Wednesday:   Rest
Thursday:      10' + 12 x hills + 10' + 300 abs+ 60 push ups
Friday:          20' + 26 x stairs (high knees) + 15 sprints (100 meters or so) + 20' + abs+ stretching
Saturday:      35' + 250 abs + push ups
Sunday:         35' + 4.7 km (19'12'') 4.05 min/km (very hilly)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

9th Week

Monday:         Rest
Tuesday:        30' + leg strengthining + 2x 2000 (8'24'') + 5'
Wednesday:    Rest
Thursday:       20' + warm up excercises + 3x1850(7'30'' - 7'45'' - 7'45'') + 5'
Friday:            Gym :)
Saturday:        1 hour long run
Sunday:          30' + warm up excercises + 1 x hill circuit + 5'

Sunday, October 30, 2011

8th Week

Monday:         Rest
Tuesday:        50' + leg strengthning + 20'
Wednesday:    Rest
Thursday:       25' + 8 x 2' tempo running (2' rest) + 25' + abs + stretching
Friday:            40' +  + abs + stretching
Saturday:        30' + 10 x hills + leg strengthing + 5' + abs + stretching
Sunday:          60' + abs + stretching

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Seventh week

Too many things to do for college this week...

Monday:         Rest
Tuesday:         35' + many excercises + 20'
Wednesday:    Rest
Thursday:       5' +10 x hills + 20' + abs + stretching
Friday:            40' +  many excercises  + abs + stretching
Saturday:        60' + abs + stretching
Sunday:          40' + abs + stretching

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Sixth week :)

Monday:         Rest
Tuesday:         20' + 16 x 1' minute fartlek (1' rest; 3' rest/4' fast) + 20'
Wednesday:    35' + abs + strength excercises
Thursday:       5' + strength excercises + 12 x 180 meters downhill + 20' + abs + stretching
Friday:            45'  + abs + stretching
Saturday:        60' + abs + stretching
Sunday:          30' + leg strengthening +  2 x hill circuit plus (9'57''  10'05'')+ 5'

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Monday, October 10, 2011

Fifth week

Monday:         50' relaxed tempo +  200 abs, lumbar exc., 30 push ups
Tuesday:         Rest
Wednesday:    45 '+ + 10x100m + 200 abs, lumbar exc., 30 push ups
Thursday:       Rest
Friday:            45' + many strength excercises + abs + stretching
Saturday:        60' + abs + stretching
Sunday:          25' + leg strengthening +  2 x hill circuit (7'57'' 7'47'') + 5'

Friday, September 30, 2011

Fourth week

Monday:         40' relaxed tempo
Tuesday:         20' + excercises going up stairs + ankle strengthening + 200 abs, lumbar exc., 30 push ups + 20'
Wednesday:    Rest
Thursday:        20' + arm stengthening circuit + more anke and arm strengthening + 200 abs, lumbar exc.+20'
Friday:            50' + many strength excercises + 10 x 80 meters + abs + stretching
Saturday:        60' + abs + stretching
Sunday:          25' + 10 x hills + 5'

Friday, September 23, 2011

Third week :)

Photo: Llodio International Cross Country Meet 2009

Monday:      Nothing :)
Tuesday:      40' + abs
Wednesday: 40' + abs
Thursday:     10x hills + many many strength excercises + stretching + abs + 20'
Friday:          20' + warm up excercises + jumps + many but excercises + abs
Saturday:      60' + abs + streching
Sunday:        20' + warm up excercises + bench excercises (legs) + 10 x hills(44'') + 5'

Friday, September 16, 2011

Second week :)

Photo: Spanish Cross Country Championships by Regions.

Monday:      Nothing :)
Tuesday:      20' + many many many strength excercises + 20'
Wednesday: 10' + strength excercises with tempo running + 20'
Thursday:     33' tempo running + many many strength excercises + stretching
Friday:         20' warm up + technique excercises + 10 sprints + 5' + streching and abs
Saturday:     20' warm up + leg excercises + 2 x hill circuit (8.27/8.24) + 5'
Sunday:       30' warm up + 10' leg excercises + 10'

Sunday, September 11, 2011

First week :)

After a looong summer, workouts begin again. This is my first week:

Monday:       10' + leg workout + 40'
Tuesday:        50'
Wednesday:  10' + arm workout + 40'
Thursday:      15' + warm up excercises + 15' + 200 abs, 15 pushups + 25'
Friday:           A little swimming :)
Saturday:       30' + leg excercises + hills + 12'
Sunday:         20' + leg excercises + 2 x hill circuit (9.37/9.04)+ 5'

Friday, September 9, 2011

New shoes, new kicks!

I just bought my new shoes for this running season:

Aren't they pretty? They are Asics Gel Stratus 2 for women. 

I've always gotten myself asics shoes since I was 15 and they have always been nice to my feet. They are probably one of the best brands for running shoes one may find.

And... I just love their motto: alma sana in corpore sano