Sunday, October 30, 2011

8th Week

Monday:         Rest
Tuesday:        50' + leg strengthning + 20'
Wednesday:    Rest
Thursday:       25' + 8 x 2' tempo running (2' rest) + 25' + abs + stretching
Friday:            40' +  + abs + stretching
Saturday:        30' + 10 x hills + leg strengthing + 5' + abs + stretching
Sunday:          60' + abs + stretching

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Seventh week

Too many things to do for college this week...

Monday:         Rest
Tuesday:         35' + many excercises + 20'
Wednesday:    Rest
Thursday:       5' +10 x hills + 20' + abs + stretching
Friday:            40' +  many excercises  + abs + stretching
Saturday:        60' + abs + stretching
Sunday:          40' + abs + stretching

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Sixth week :)

Monday:         Rest
Tuesday:         20' + 16 x 1' minute fartlek (1' rest; 3' rest/4' fast) + 20'
Wednesday:    35' + abs + strength excercises
Thursday:       5' + strength excercises + 12 x 180 meters downhill + 20' + abs + stretching
Friday:            45'  + abs + stretching
Saturday:        60' + abs + stretching
Sunday:          30' + leg strengthening +  2 x hill circuit plus (9'57''  10'05'')+ 5'

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Monday, October 10, 2011

Fifth week

Monday:         50' relaxed tempo +  200 abs, lumbar exc., 30 push ups
Tuesday:         Rest
Wednesday:    45 '+ + 10x100m + 200 abs, lumbar exc., 30 push ups
Thursday:       Rest
Friday:            45' + many strength excercises + abs + stretching
Saturday:        60' + abs + stretching
Sunday:          25' + leg strengthening +  2 x hill circuit (7'57'' 7'47'') + 5'