Sunday, January 29, 2012


So, it came, regionals. Many months of hard work for today. The temperature was nice, but it was very very windy. M and A also ran, and J and D came to cheer for us (aren't they just so sweet?).

The level was amazing, I had never ran in such a competitive Championship in many years. I enjoyed myself (except for the wind and the fact that our uniforms make it difficult for me to breathe). You can probably see that on my pic.

M amazes me more each day, she has been very busy with exams and hasn't worked out so much but did  great. A was also incredible. How can someone ran sooooo fast? One can't even see her pass by.
We were second by teams :) But we sure missed C!!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

San Silvestre

One year ends, another one begins.
For athletes the last race of the year is a must.
 I decided to run the one at my hometown with J this year. My friends A and M also came.

It was a perfect day, sunny and warm. We were very very lucky. The circuit was hard: steep hills at every corner. It was basically like doing a fartlek run.My biggest congrats to S who organized the whole event (you are amazing!).

S is awesome :)
During the first 5K, the first 3 gals went together. From then on A took the lead and got herself a week to the beach to go with whoever she wants (pick me! pick me!). J and I slowed down a bit, but not so much. The last kilometer was completed in 3'24'' which made us finish in 39'44''. Oh, and surprise me more each day, she is a total natural at this ;) Keep it up! :D