Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Boom boom pow!

Yesteday was incredible.
I couldn't believe it myself. If J had told me the rythms we were going to run at... I would have said "no way". But then again, if one works hard for something, one gets results. In running this is not always true, but if you are lucky (very very lucky) it may.

So I kicked into my running shoes and did 2 x 3000 meters (11'25'' - 11'17'').

Just one word: AMAZING!

Saturday, December 17, 2011


T, M and me.
Today I finally ran my first meet of the season. All my team buddies were there.
I really enjoyed running today, it has been a while since I'm happy with my performance on the track. No medals or trophies today, christmas goodies were given out instead.

M & I warmed up together. It is so nice to chat with such a sweet gal ;) And about the race itself? Well,I kept my strategy simple: follow the first runner and sprint at the end worked! :) I really enjoyed it.
I also did a PR (11'07''), and that's always good.

Next one comming up? The last race of the year: San Silvester.