Tuesday, March 20, 2012

10,000 meters Spanish Campionships

A and I completed 25 laps around a very windy track last Sunday. It is hard race, specially with so many laps. My family and J were there to cheer us up. They were fantastic :)

A did great, 2nd place! I'm sooo proud of you ;) I also tried my best and finished 7th :)
I'm so thankful for having J and my family there :)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

College National Cross Country Championship

Last weekend, all the Universities of Madrid travelled 6 or 7 hours up to "La Coruña". A nice jog  after the trip next to the beach made our legs feel fresh for the big day. I was very excited, it was my first College National Championship :)

The course was 6,140 meters long. I finished in 22nd place within a time of 23'52''. It is certainly one of my best performances of this season :)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Clubs' National Championships

We made it all they way to the beach just to run. I think it has been the worst race I've done this season, but I sure had fun with my teammates and with J driving with D all they way to cheer for us. Thank you!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Indoor Regionals

Today I ran at the Indoor Regionals Meet. Low temperatures and a small breeze followed us along during the race and the whole morning. My dearest J came all the way from the mountains to cheer for me. You are just the most adorable :)

I decided to run twice, the 1500 meters and the 3000 meters, not to maximum potential, but kicking it hard.
We started of kind of slow (3'35 on the 1 K) but I ended up in 5'11'' covered in gold. It is not my best time, but it is certainly a great start for the season. I am very happy and proud.

It took a very long while until they gave out our medals. Fortunately, we found a warm corner inside and stayed there.

And about an hour later than it was supposed to, the gunshot made us start on the 3000 meters. I felt very comfortable even though it was very very windy. I tried to sprint on the last 100 meters, but felt tired from the previous race. However, I still got the gold with 11'12'';)

Sunday, January 29, 2012


So, it came, regionals. Many months of hard work for today. The temperature was nice, but it was very very windy. M and A also ran, and J and D came to cheer for us (aren't they just so sweet?).

The level was amazing, I had never ran in such a competitive Championship in many years. I enjoyed myself (except for the wind and the fact that our uniforms make it difficult for me to breathe). You can probably see that on my pic.

M amazes me more each day, she has been very busy with exams and hasn't worked out so much but did  great. A was also incredible. How can someone ran sooooo fast? One can't even see her pass by.
We were second by teams :) But we sure missed C!!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

San Silvestre

One year ends, another one begins.
For athletes the last race of the year is a must.
 I decided to run the one at my hometown with J this year. My friends A and M also came.

It was a perfect day, sunny and warm. We were very very lucky. The circuit was hard: steep hills at every corner. It was basically like doing a fartlek run.My biggest congrats to S who organized the whole event (you are amazing!).

S is awesome :)
During the first 5K, the first 3 gals went together. From then on A took the lead and got herself a week to the beach to go with whoever she wants (pick me! pick me!). J and I slowed down a bit, but not so much. The last kilometer was completed in 3'24'' which made us finish in 39'44''. Oh, and M...you surprise me more each day, she is a total natural at this ;) Keep it up! :D

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Boom boom pow!

Yesteday was incredible.
I couldn't believe it myself. If J had told me the rythms we were going to run at... I would have said "no way". But then again, if one works hard for something, one gets results. In running this is not always true, but if you are lucky (very very lucky) it may.

So I kicked into my running shoes and did 2 x 3000 meters (11'25'' - 11'17'').

Just one word: AMAZING!